FFXIV Stories
I sometimes write stories set in FFXIV

Campfire Tales
Stories told by the fireside. A collection of horror stories.
Thirst - Beware the desert's ire
Tails of Wanderlust
Short snippets of Zel's life outside of the MSQ. Many of these were originally written for tumblr, either from prompts, for challenges, or as answers to Asks. Listed mostly chronologically.
Homesick - Zel learns that adventuring isn't all smiles and moonbeams. Takes place during ARR.
Hard Crack Stage - Candymaking is harder than it seems. Takes place after post Heavensward.
Cake Buffet - The Bismark celebrate's Admiral Bloefhiswyn's nameday. Takes place ???? probably before Stormblood?
An Empty Room - Zel finds a neglected room in the free company house. Takes place roughly after Stormblood.
Dark Echoes - The Echo shows the Warrior of Light visions, whether she wants them or not. Takes place roughly after Stormblood.
Rumble - Zel's stomach betrays her. Takes place after Shadowbringers.
A Home for Neglected Books - The Exarch has no idea how to care for books. Takes place just after Shadowbringers.
Heart of Winter - Zel bring G'raha to a place very important to her. Takes place after Post-Shadowbringers.