Game Reviews
Games have always been a part of my life. One of my earliest memories is playing Track and Field on the NES with my older sister in our parents' room. At 5 years old I used to carry around an old gray brick gameboy from the thrift store, with my trusty tetris cartridge slotted in. As time went on, my gaming fell to the wayside as video games became harder to access when we moved to a remote location when I was a child. Eventually, I found my way back to gaming with the global phenomenon known as Pokemon, which I patiently saved my allowance for, waiting for the day we would go to one of the neighboring big cities for some kind of errand.
Today, games are a large part of my life and one of my main hobbies. Here you can find my thoughts on games I've played. Please enjoy!
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Title | Developer | Publisher | Genre | Date played |
Bugsnax | Young Horses | Young Horses | Creature Collector | 2023/07 |
Bear's Restaurant | Odencat | Odencat | JRPG | 2023/06 |
Final Fantasy 3 Pixel Remaster | SquareEnix | SquareEnix | JRPG | 2023/03 |
PictoQuest | NanoPiko | PID Games | Nonogram/Picross | 2023/05 |
Final fantasy 4 - Namingway Edition | Squaresoft | Squaresoft | JRPG | 2023/09 |
Luna's fishing Garden | Coldwild Games | Coldwild Games | Fishing | 2023/12 |
Smushi Come Home | SomeHumbleOnion | Mooneye Studios | 3D Platformer | 2023/06 |
Garden Galaxy | Anneka Tran | Anneka Tran | Sandbox | 2023/11 |
Fishing Paradiso | Odencat | Odencat | Fishing | 2023/08 |