Really wish I had cure irl

Zel's Weekly Digest

Week 11 - January 23-29, 2024

A screenshot of a table with a sliced open watermelon on the left side.

Break Week

I was unable to play this week due to being the worst culinarian. I wasn’t smart with my knife skills as I was tired, and injured myself while slicing cabbage. Unfortunately, the injury is right at my finger tip, and took quite some time to heal.

For those that don’t know, I actually use a special one-handed gamepad called the Azeron Cyborg. Isn’t she a beauty?

A picture of a left-handed Azeron Cyborg game pad with purple keys. It has a black, curved palm rest, 22 keys that are accessible from the four fingers, one two thumb buttons and one thumb joystick. It looks like some sort of alien technology.

Anyway, because of the injury’s location is riiight at the tip of one of my fingers, the extra bulk of the bandage made it super awkward to type, and completely impossible to play using my Azeron.

But there is also another reason, unrelated to FFXIV.

At this current time, in global politics, there is a...conflict involving Israel and Palestine. Actually, that's putting it lightly. This isn't a war, it's a genocide. Palestinians in Gaza are being wiped out, and one reporter who has been documenting the tragedies has requested for people around the world to hold a strike in solidarity. This strike included things such as boycotts of certain companies, spreading awareness on social media, and asking to refrain from spending money in general. I decided that I would take a break from FFXIV during this week because of that.

And then I injured my dang finger and couldn’t play anyway. Nevertheless I decided against logging in even for just chatting, in solidarity, and instead spent the time reading and spending time with my spouse.

While not related to FFXIV, I felt it was important to add the context for why I was not online.

Please remember to be kind to those around you.


Posted 2024/01/30

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