Hydration is mandatory, boring is not

Splash Fizz Blood Orange

It's got electrolytes!

A bottle of Blood Orange flavored Splashfizz. The lettering is designed after North American grafitti, with lots of small white bubbles all over. There are also several whole oranges and sliced oranges. At the bottom it reads 0 Sugar, with little wings on the 0.

Type: Drink
Country of origin: U.S.A.
Carbonated?: Yes

Found this one while browsing through the soda aisle with my spouse. It looked tasty, and it was cheap. Turns out this brand is from T-Pain!

It certainly tasted very orangy. Unfortunately, I wasn't a fan of it, but I don't really do well with most orange flavored soda. Spouse seemed to like it a lot though!

Official Website

Posted 2023/09/24

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