Zel's Weekly Digest
Week 27 - May 14 - 20, 2024

Imp-ending Doom
The make it rain event started this week, and along with the gold saucer bonuses, there was, as usual, an event quest with a little story, this time being one about kappas. I mean Imps.

The story was nothing to write home about. Local tabloid writer - I mean Journalist…well not local, he’s from Thavnair…anyway this well dressed lad wanted help in writing his latest scoop for The Thavnairian Truth, which is most definitely not the in world equivalent of the Weekly World News.
Of course, having literally nothing better to do, the fearless Warriors of Light decided to help this poor fellow unravel the mysteries of the water imps. Of course, we needed to dress the part!

We begin our investigation only to find an imp who we most definitely have never seen before of course. Not like I wouldn’t recognize Eorzea’s greatest nudist hanging out right next to the naked statue of himself.

Anyway, it turns out the impfestation was all Godbert’s idea. As Typhon’s employer (frankly, after the events of Endwalker, I kinda feel for the guy), Lord Manderville is very acquainted with the thaumaturge guild, and learned about a little spell called “Imp,” which if you’re familiar with a certain purple octopus, you’ll have witnessed it. Said spell turns the target into a little Kappa, or Water Imp as they are called in the english translation (Though the costumed Imps of the saucer do actually say Kappa as one of their in character phrases).

He did research but could find no answers on the origins of the spell, and instead decided to have some of his Saucer employees dress up as Imps.
The man sure loves Mascots, doesn’t he?
While a little strange, it’s not that bad of a quest story. I’ve seen weirder and worse in events. In the end, we get our very own imp costume with its absolutely horrible, awful feet.

Long Live the Gold Saucer, I guess.
Dressed to Destroy
After getting his Imp Costume, Mag wanted to wear it for some WAR leveling, so of course I slapped on the Pink Frog outfit and joined him.

We did this for a few runs of Aery and Vault before I pointed out the feet, which he hated, and he switched back to his carbuncle outfit, also known as The Crayon Eating Arcanist.
Maps…They dont love you like I love you...
Why yes, I do in fact quote that song nearly every time treasure maps are mentioned!

While browsing party finder, I saw a treasure map party that was free-for-all loot for the Ostensibly Special Timeworn Maps, the level 80 full party maps with a guaranteed portal (and they’re stackable!), so I hopped in, having nothing better to do. Mag joined me and we went with the group for a few maps, not really getting past round 3 in any of them.
Maybe Feo Ul is mad at us. :(

Chocobo and All Kweh Racing Transformed
Since Make It Rain gives a bonus to challenge log rewards as well as the game prizes, I’ve been a bit more diligent about doing the ones that aren’t just Lord of Verminion, which of course also means Chocobo Racing!
I finally, for the first time ever in the nearly decade I’ve been playing this game, got my very first racing bird all the way to rank 40! Which of course unlocks breeding, which I’ve been curious about for a while.
It took me a few tries (and a few back and forth teleports) to finally figure it out, and I was rewarded with my first ever Pedigree 2 racing Chocobo!

Omega and Chill
Mag and I found a PF party wanting to do some of the Omega raids unsynced to try to unlock the Ultimates. There was, of course, one guy who joined just to complain that we had the wrong duty listed in the Party Finder, and angrily declared that if we weren’t going to do the correct one, they were just gonna leave.
The rest of us just shrugged and stayed to have fun.

The Party leader thanked us for being chill, since they wanted to do these to get some gear for leveling their dancer. It took us a little trial and error trying to beat Omega themself, but it was a blast.
Bonus round
I was server hopping around, shopping for some cheap supplies, when I ran into some famous trolls on Mateus hanging out in Limsa!

It's the Weeaboo Police!
See you next time!

Posted 2024/05/25