Zel's Weekly Digest
Week 23 - April 16 - 22, 2024

The Hunt For Chi
Last week I was talking to Mag about the Level checker mount, and he mentioned not having it, so I told him about how annoying Chi is to spawn. He only had 6 bolts (12 are needed to redeem the mount) and he wanted to spawn it to get the rest that he needed.
The first hurdle is making sure that the spawn window is open, which happens 32 to 72 hours after the last kill.
For those unfamiliar, there’s two specific fates you need to complete for the Omicrons. The first is Omicron Recall: Comms Expansion, which is an item turn in Fate.

After that, you wait a little bit until the next necessary fate spawns: Omicron Recall: Secure Connection. Once you finish that one, you pray.

If you’re unlucky with your RNG, you’ll see Comms Expansion show up again, which means you start the process over.

But if you’re blessed by the gods of FATE, Chi will spawn!
Well, I decided to help Mag with spawning it, and we were having very little luck, and needed to server hop since the Mateus spawn window wasn’t open, and Wren joined us too on Amon. We spent a couple days working at it with no success, but thankfully, I’m part of a hunt discord, and got a notification that the Bot had showed up on Zalera!
We zoomed over there and kicked some Omicron exhaust fans, getting the bolts both of them needed for their Level Checkers!

I already had mine since early Endwalker, so I was just along for the ride.

Check it out, we’re on TV!

The adventures of the Blue Rangers
I was just minding my own business, messing around in probably Sharlayan, when I got a message from Mag.

Of course, I poked around on Party Finder and there just happened to be a party doing ARR dungeons for the Blue Mage Log, with two spots open.
They were getting ready to do Hullbreaker Isle, and seemed pretty chill, so we went spelunking!

Honestly it was a really fun party! After Hullbreaker, we just went down the Blue Log list doing dungeons until it was time to call it a day.

As it turns out, I didn’t actually have Cactguard, so it was pretty serendipitous that we did Temple of Qarn Hard Mode. This tomb raider dude's death message alsways makes me laugh

We finished off with the end of the list of ARR dungeons: Keeper of the Lake. I’m not sure if I’ve done this one since the changes for Duty Support, but I’m going to miss the old version. One of my fondest memories heading into Heavensward was doing this dungeon at launch and gracefully healing through what, at the time, was one of the toughest fights as far as AoE patterns went.

Anyway, shoutout to Peach and Oswin, y'all were real ones.
Bonus round
I love the Mew Misv mount from the Omicrons because its just so adorable, but more than that, it makes an excellent on-the-go photo backdrop!

Magical Girl Time!
Thats all for now! Sorry for the lateness!

Posted 2024/04/29