Dungeon time!

Zel's Weekly Digest

Week 19 - March 26 - April 1, 2024

Zel and her chewy minion (named Dagger) relaxing in her house in front of the fireplace

Stand Tool, My friend

I did it! I finally did it! I now have all of the lodestar tools! This week I finished my last one, the Lodestar Alembic

Zel holding the Lodestar Alembic

I know it’s late, and the expac is coming out in just a few months, but I’m proud of myself for finishing them, and I know they should last me through to level 100.

But for now, I’m done with expert crafting, either until I decide to do more Firmament stuff for achievements, or if I decide to work on the splendorous tools.

Zel lying on the ground next to the NPCs for the splendrous relic tools.

Sharpened Anima

Zel and her Chocobo Cecily fighting a boss fate in the Dravania forelands

I finished my Minos Lux a few weeks ago, and decided to work on my Bard weapon, currently the Sharpened Bow of the Autarch, which means its Light Farming time!

I decided to farm HW fates so I could get more Memories of the Dying, while getting a bit of Light on my bow. I did a few dungeons to clear some Wondrous Tails spots, but managed to make pretty good progress on memories!

It’s gonna be a bit of a grind to get all of them that I need, but it should get me all the Light i need for the bow.

I really really don’t wanna use the melee classes for doing fates, and I already finished the machinist relic ages ago. The only other class I can think of that I’d want to use for fate grinding would probably be Astrologian, maybe Dragoon if I’m feeling spicy, but I’d prefer to avoid playing the melees or the two remaining tanks for extended periods of time, especially when I have no clue how the current paladin rotation works, not that it matters at level 60.

Buns and Dungeons

Zel and Cyrene with a PUG in Sastasha

Been running a few roulettes with my favorite buns, Cyrene (Pixel glade) and Naoh! Not at the same time though, since Naoh’s been playing other stuff mostly and isn’t on the Critically Acclaimed MMO that often these days. Ironically, time zones aren’t an issue in this case. While Pixel is in Australia, Naoh and I are both insomniac gremlins who have wildly irregular sleep patterns.

Zel and Cyrene hanging out in the botanist guild building

Still, it’s fun when I get to play with them and I’m always grateful when they spend time with me!

Bust shot of Naoh. They are wearing the B-2 Tactical half facemask and jacket, dyed blue.

Jacks Update

Jacks has made it through World of Darkness! Good for her!

Jacks at the end of World of Darkness doing the lalafell victory emote

Bonus Round

This week’s Fashion Report actually kinda works?

Zel posing for Fashion Report. She has the Scion Traveller's Hood and Adventurer's thighboots on her ninja glam, which consists of the Yorha type-51 jacket of scouting and Hakama #55

I always use Ninja for fashion report, no real reason why, it’s just a class I almost never use so it’s fine if the glam is jank from fashion report, but this one didn’t look too bad with what I already had on!

That's all for now, catch you next week!

Zel, Dagger, and Cecily overlooking the Dravanian Hinderlands.

Posted 2024/04/06

Week 19

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